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Hey There:)

You are not alone in this world and you are going to get through this. I’m trying to figure out life step by step and i’m bringing you all with me. This is my life and my stories, tips, complaints, and etc.

First time here? You’re in the right place.

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About My Blog

Hello:)) , I’m 19 from California and I am going to remain anonymous just for my future sake so I don’t expose anyone.

Ever since highschool i’ve been struggling with myself, depression, anxiety, family, friends, boys, and literally anything depressing you can think of. Since people normally don’t go around talking about their trauma, I though this could be my little outlet for others to relate to. You are not alone and evryone goes through hard things. Tune in to listen to my rants.

Send me a question/story/tips/LITERALLY ANYTHING!!!

If I like what you sent, i’ll shout you out in the blog:)

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