No More Dating Apps

Hey everyone, if you have read my last post than you know where my head is at right now. If you haven’t read it, you probably should so you know what I am talking about.

I live the same day over and over again and it’s just a continous and suffucating loop. I need to stop with the self destructive behavior because I know how bad it makes me feel. Hookups and dating apps are just not what I should be doing right now and I need to take action. I’ve decided to delete my dating apps, and made a pact to myseld that i’m only going out with a guy if they ask me out properly with meaningful intentions. I know that a bunch of you can relate to this because self destructive behavior makes you feel good and wanted in the moment, but after you feel so shitty. It’s also especially difficult to find guys that want something genuine and meaningful because of how popular hookup culture is nowadays.

I am talking to this guy right now that I met on tinder, we haven’t met yet, and he honeslty seems like he could have potential. I know he wanted a fwb type thing and I was down at first as well but then after this weekend I have decided I can’t do that. I did drop the bomb on him and tell him how I was feeling and he said he was down to see where things go and if he liked me he would stick with me. I thought this was really sweet but of course I can’t get my hopes up because you can’t get attatched to outcomes. I will keep you guys updated on how that goes.

I wanted to end my little rant with a quote I saw on tik tok from the poetry book “Please Love Me at My Worst”. The tik tok was captioned with ”If you are seeing this, this message is meant for you”. So I believe this was meant to be heard.

i am done with dating, i am too intense for just drinks or a coffee, i fall in love either immediately or never, i am a stay-up-all-night-till-three-am girl, talk-all-night-girl, tell-me-all-your-secrets girl, i know we just met but we might as well be married.

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